
Tieteelliset artikkelit

2016 Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research (doi 10.1080/00313831.2016.1172499) Puroila A-M, Haho A: Moral functioning: Navigating through the messy landscape of values in Finnish preschools

2013 Nursing Ethics (doi 10.1177/0969733012475251) Korhonen A, Haho A, Pölkki T: Nurses’ perspectives on the suffering of preterm infants

2012 Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences (doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.2012.01010.x, 2012; 26; 803–810) Kangasniemi M, Haho A: Human love – the inner essence of nursing ethics according to Estrid Rodhe. A study using the approach of history of ideas

2007 Premissi Vol. 27 n:o 2: Lectio praecursoria

2007 Pro Terveys Vol. 35, n:o 4: Hoitamisen eettisyys sen olemuksen näkökulmasta

2007 Pro Terveys Vol. 35, n:o 5: Oulun lääninsairaalan ylihoitajatar Naima Vilhelmina Kurvinen (1876–1933)

2007 Aikuiskasvatus Vol. 27, n:o 4: Ammatillisen hoitamisen perusteet